

The RTU3212 is a compact board-to-board RTU that functions as the head-end data processor of the Cleaveland/Price LineScope system.  It also mates with the control board of Cleaveland/Price ADMO, PTAD, UAD, and PAD automation motor operators.  Through its 4 DO’s and 15 DI’s, the 3212 adds control functions and status reporting to our motor operators.  The RTU utilizes DNP3.0 protocol with the option to select Modbus or PG&E protocol as an alternate protocol.  The board-to-board configuration eliminates wiring and results in a time saving and space efficient installation.

 Typical Installation 

Shown is an RTU3212 installed on the control board of a motor operator.



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The RTU3220 is a compact, power-efficient Remote Terminal Unit/Intelligent End Device (RTU/IED) designed for the electric industry. RTU3220s monitor both AC and DC analog inputs as well as discrete digital inputs, while calculating comprehensive power-quality values and waveforms.


The RTU3220’s single PC-board construction features a System-on-Chip integrated circuit that decreases board complexity and reduces the number of exposed interconnections. All computing components and high-speed bus are contained within a sealed housing. The unhoused portion of the PC board is conformal-coated to protect RTU components from harsh environments.

In addition to reporting eight digital statuses and eight analog values, the RTU will calculate RMS voltage, RMS current, watts, VAR, phase angle, THD, and power factor. The RTU3220 will create and transfer COMTRADE files given user defined parameters.

The RTU3220 features:

  • A powerful, yet low power consumption processor
  • 9-30VDC power supply
  • DNP 3.0, Modbus, and PG&E protocol support
  • 10/100 Base-T Ethernet port with RJ-45 connector
  • Two RS-232 ports
  • One RS-485 connection
  • State logic programming


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The RTU3200 is a modular RTU that consists of a main processing module and various input/output (I/O) modules; all connected via a high-speed bus. It can be configured with a five module chassis or a nine module chassis, depending on the number of analog and digital inputs that are required for the application. The RTU modules employ a high-performance 32-bit Advance RISC Machine (ARM) processor resulting in a system that minimizes heat generation and power consumption. In addition to reporting status and analog values, the RTU will calculate RMS voltage, watts, VARS, and power factor, and has advanced built-in fault detection. The RTU3200 will support a DNP master for communications to additional RTUs.


5-module RTU3200 installed in a Cleaveland/Price PTAD switch controller

5-module RTU3200

5-module RTU3200

The RTU3200 features:

  • Conformal coated printed circuit boards for protection in harsh environments
  • Powerful, yet low power consumption processor
  • 10—30VDC power supply
  • DNP3.0, Modbus, and PG&E protocol support
  • Two RS232 ports
  • RS485 port
  • 10/100 Base-T Ethernet port with RJ-45 connector
  • High-impedance and low-impedance analog input modules

 I/O Modules

Module Description
16S 16 status inputs
8R 8 form C relay outputs with 10 A. contacts and self-diagnostic features
12ACVI Low-impedance AC analog input module with direct connection to up to 160 V and 10 A. sources
12ACVV Functionally identical to the ACVI except all analog inputs are high-impedance
16DC DC analog input module with direct connection for up to 16 DC voltages and currents

The RTU3200 ships from Cleaveland/Price with the appropriate modules installed for a given application. Modules can be easily changed in the field, if needed.


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