Router Power Supply

Data Collector Power Supply

SPS Overview

Dependable communications are a critical component of the Smart Grid andSPS the longer the communication system stays active after loss of AC on the system, the more reliable the system.  Unfortunately, many comm systems will remain active for only a few hours after loss of AC.  To enable a higher level of reliability, Cleaveland/Price offers the SPS, an outdoor power supply available in models for above ground and below ground applications.  With a component power draw of one ampere, the SPS will sustain communications for 24 hours (temperature dependant). The SPS’s rugged construction is designed for real world conditions with a wide operating temperature range and battery charging components capable of  withstanding condensing humidity.  Materials in the SPS are selected for corrosion resistance. The SPS is specifically designed to house the customer’s components of choice.  SPS applications include:

  • Remote monitoring and control
  • Data collection
  • Communications router